Tag Archives: learning

Moving on and doing it on my own

As I get bigger and the babies grow inside of me, I have to be a stronger mommy. I have to relearn and gain back all that energy, positivity and strength I had with my first child but times 2.

Sometimes, I can’t help but to feel down about the situation I’m in, but then when I imagine there little faces, fingers and toes, I am reminded that if nothing else I am blessed. Life seems to throw me many curve balls and I can say I haven’t done well with some of them. But with new life coming my way I’m ready to move on and do it on my own.

Happiness for my children and me is my main goal. So I’m looking forward to moving and starting a new life. Being closer to those who support me, finding old and new things that make me happy. Challenging myself to do better and creating a legacy that my child and there children can be proud of. I know it will not be easy but it will be worth every piece of effort I own.

To my only child for the past 9 yrs. things haven’t been easy but I assure you it will get better. You are so excited to see the babies as you have always wanted siblings. I know you will be a great sister and helper as you are a wonderful daughter. You more the anyone deserve the best. As we start this new chapter in our lives, I thank God for bringing you into minds.

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Filed under Pregnancy

My gardening book arsenal

Cover of "Western Garden Book of Edibles:...

Cover via Amazon

I have a small but adequate library of gardening books. For awhile, I only had one or two gardening books to work with. I would then substitute my lack of bookage with; gardening apps, the library, free gardening books from my book reader, and internet resources.

Recently I came upon a jackpot of books at my local library. They were having a book sale. I was able to purchase  a mountain of books 3ft high for about $20. In that mound I was able to purchase some gardening books and added them to my lac luster garden book supply.Most of the book were out of date a few years. To me gardening can never really be out of date. The same techniques that were used for gardening 30 years ago can be applied to gardening now.

As we all know books can be very expensive. And in my life I have bought my share of books and I still do. But gardening books especially the real good ones can be expensive. So I have had to get creative with the ways I get my information. Of course we have the internet. And there is no lack of what you can find here.

One of my favorite places to get a garden book for free is barns and noble. They have tons of free nook books. Most of there free books are older but when it comes to gardening that is sometimes the best. Older techniques give you a better understanding of the hard work that goes into the trade, hobby or money saving venture. It also helps you to really hone your skills.

Now days we have quick solutions, diease free seeds, quick fix chemicals, bags of manure, gardening tools and machines, etc. The things we take for granted now are the things people back in the day did not have the luxury to have. Some details that old gardening books have newer books may pass up because of new inventions, products, and seed purchasing abilities. All in all old or new have gardening books is a must have.

I have two main books I use now which are; Western Garden Book of Edibles (purchased at Costco for $14.99) and Reader’s Digest Illustrated Guide to Gardening (purchased at library 1978 edition). These two books are my go to books for all my vegetable and gardening needs. What one doesn’t have the other one does.

I have to say I’ve lost a couple books in rain. I just want to shout out to those books, as they helped me to grow on a larger scale. You will be missed.

My book collection now consist of:

Reader’s Digest Illustrated Guide to Gardening (© 1978, library purchase)

Western Garden Book of Edibles (©t 2010, Costco purchase)

Burpee, Starting Seeds Indoors booklet (Lowe purchase)

Patrick Taylor, Gardening with Bulbs (© 1996, library purchase)

Growing Orchids at your window (© 1972, library purchase)

Color handbook of Garden Insects (© 1979, library purchase)

Breeding New Plants and Flowers (© 2002, library purchase)

Sunset, Annuals (© 1992, library purchase)

Sunset, Perennials (© 2000, library purchase)

Free Nook ebooks : (Most are very old editions, but I just download all I can and delete as I see fit)


Filed under Gardening and me, Gardening Tips, Reading and me